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I would just like to say a big thanks to Jesse Laughton's family & Eddie Dickenson the last 2 winners for donating generously to the snapper auction at the end of the previous prize givings  last year to help support Diabetes NZ Auckland Branch.


Every penny counts and our events are a great way I hope to make people more aware of this rapidly growing decease within our NZ community.Being a recently diagnosed Type 1 insulin dependent sufferer myself over the last 12 months I know just how challenging this can be.


My real thoughts though go out to the young kids who have this , who on a daily basis need to take regular blood tests and insulin injections to help curb the many complications associated with this decease.

After having a recent experience with my 5 year old boy where we needed to spend some time at StarShip Hospital here in Auckland , this experience really  opened my eyes to how important this hospital and staff is to care for children of all ages suffering from a wide variety of illnesses. 

Our club this year is therefore proud to help the StarShip Foundation by donating all proceeds taken from our event Snapper Auction to help not only by donating money but also gaining awareness of all the sick children now currently laying in hospital needing support  and comfort.


The Annual Auckland Snapper Challenge is now in it's Fourth year thanks to great support from our sponsors and keen kayak enthusiast who enjoyed this fun and competitive challenge.The challenge aims to attract kids , families as well as the more serious kayak fisho's.


I am sure you can all appreciate the organizing , and support from our fantastic sponsors who offer great prizes to the winners to make this event possible.


An Auction of snapper caught on the day will be held  before the prize presentation to help raise funds so please join us if you can. 


To help with snapper conservation we have decided to set a size limit for all snapper caught for each  Comp. Each snapper will need to be a minimum of 35cm in length and a maximum of 65cm in length to be accepted at the weigh in.


We strongly urge our competitors to keep their catch limit to just one or two snapper each as you can only weigh in one snapper anyway for the weigh in and contribute one snapper for the auction .




Good Luck & Best Wishes
Charlie Dailey
Reef Kayak Fishing Club

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